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Akral Necrosis (Rou) / Marchosias (Rou) - (Inter)section - CD
 Akral Necrosis (Rou) / Marchosias (Rou) - (Inter)section - CD Price : $12(USD)
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Romanian black metal split. Both bands deliver 2 original songs and cover of each bands. Both bands are playing experimental progressive black metal.

Abigai (Jpn) / Mantak (Mal) - The Eastern Desekratorz - CD
Abigai (Jpn) / Mantak (Mal) - The Eastern Desekratorz - CD Price : $12(USD)
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Asian metal split. First band is Japanese Abigail. Perhaps, no descriptions are needed for them. Including live tracks from their US tour when Auka of ex-Rise Above was played guitar. next band is Mal.....

Andrarakh (Ger) / Triumphus Mortis (Ita) / Gorrenje (Ger) / Movimento d'Avanguardia Ermetico (Ita) - Visionaries of Valiant Vagaries - CD
Andrarakh (Ger) / Triumphus Mortis (Ita) / Gorrenje (Ger) / Movimento d'Avanguardia Ermetico (Ita) - Visionaries of Valiant Vagaries - CD Price : $12(USD)
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1st band is German Andrarakh, who plays atmospheric black metal mixing acoustic tranquil part and middle tempo melancholic black metal riffs. 2nd band is Italian Triumphus Mortis, who plays melodic bl.....

Cacofonia (Mex) / Anarchus (Mex) / Gibbed (Jpn) / Multiplex (Jpn) - Grinding Syndicate - CD
Cacofonia (Mex) / Anarchus (Mex) / Gibbed (Jpn) / Multiplex (Jpn) - Grinding Syndicate - CD Price : $14(USD)
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Legendary 4 way split CD featuring 2 Mexican grind bands and 2 Japanese grind/death bands originally released in 1992. This is Distorted Harmony's reissue released in 2017.

Cataplexy (Jpn) / Miasma Death (Jpn) - The Goddess Ov Darkness and Sleep.... 孵 / 海 - CD
Cataplexy (Jpn) / Miasma Death (Jpn) - The Goddess Ov Darkness and Sleep.... 孵 / 海 - CD Price : $14(USD)
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Japanese black metal split CD. Both bands deliver 2 new songs for this split. Cataplexy plays melodic and intense black metal. Miasma Death plays slow dismal doomed black/death.

Crystalline Darkness (Por) / Maldicao (Por) - Mascaras de Odio - CD
Crystalline Darkness (Por) / Maldicao (Por) - Mascaras de Odio - CD Price : $12(USD)
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Deathblast (Jpn) / Death Thirst (Jpn) / Mass Hypnosia (Phl) - Thrash Daisakkai - CD
Deathblast (Jpn) / Death Thirst (Jpn) / Mass Hypnosia (Phl) - Thrash Daisakkai - CD Price : $11(USD)
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3 way thrash metal split featuring 2 Japanese bands and a band from Philippines. Bang your head till death!!!!

Deathevokation (USA) / Mandatory (Ger) / Kingdom (Pol) - Altar Of The Old Skulls - CD
Deathevokation (USA) / Mandatory (Ger) / Kingdom (Pol) - Altar Of The Old Skulls - CD Price : $14(USD)
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Old school death metal 3-way. First band is Deathvokation from US. old school death metal mixing dark middle tempo riffs like Autopsy and Swedish death heaviness. Next band German Mandatory is also bo.....

Deviator (Ukr) / Begotten (Ukr) / Moloch (Ukr) - On the Stub of Fate New Life Will Not Grow - CD
Deviator (Ukr) / Begotten (Ukr) / Moloch (Ukr) - On the Stub of Fate New Life Will Not Grow - CD Price : $12(USD)
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Ukraine black metal 3 way split. First band Moloch plays middle tempo based depressive black metal with talking style vocals. next band Begotten is also middle tempo based black metal with catchy mela.....

Front Beast (Ger) / Mephisto (Ita) - In League With Evil Metal - CD
Front Beast (Ger) / Mephisto (Ita) - In League With Evil Metal - CD Price : $12(USD)
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First band is Front Beast by Evil Avenger from Nocturnal. He used drum machine before, but on this stuff he play real drum, which makes good raw atomospher! 3 songs of FB are featured in this split, o.....

Judaswiege (Esp) / Moribundo (Esp) / Sonambula (Esp) / Barbarian Swords (Esp) - Tetriarchia Ex Bestia - digi-CD
Judaswiege (Esp) / Moribundo (Esp) / Sonambula (Esp) / Barbarian Swords (Esp) - Tetriarchia Ex Bestia - digi-CD Price : $14(USD)
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4 way split CD featuring Spanish extreme metal bands. first band Judaswiege plays raw and barbaric black metal with subtle thrash metal influences. For fans of Bestial Mockery. 2nd band Moribundo play.....

Liholse (Rus) / Mor (Rus) / Stielas Strhett (Rus) - Death Comes from the North - digi-CD
Liholse (Rus) / Mor (Rus) / Stielas Strhett (Rus) - Death Comes from the North - digi-CD Price : $6(USD)
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split album featuring 3 Russian bands. Liholse is dark and freezing ambient/industrial. Mor is middle tempo based epic black metal with cool melodies and well-constructed song structures. SS is chilly.....

Like Drone Razors Through Flesh Sphere (Spa) / Miguel Prado - Aurum Nostrum Non Est Aurum Vulgi - CD with paper case
Like Drone Razors Through Flesh Sphere (Spa) / Miguel Prado - Aurum Nostrum Non Est Aurum Vulgi - CD with paper case Price : $12(USD)
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noise/ambient split. This CD contains 7 tracks of each artist, plus 1 collaboration track.

Mabthera (hun) - On the Infernal Path - CD
Mabthera (hun) - On the Infernal Path - CD Price : $12(USD)
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1st album of Hungarian black metal. Dark and eerie black metal with variety of riffs from orthodox fast/tremolo to mid paced heavy riffs, bizarre melodic riffs etc...

Machetazo (Esp) - Ultratumba II - CD
Machetazo (Esp) - Ultratumba II - CD Price : $14(USD)
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Spanish grind masters. This CD contains EPs and split released they had released from 2006 to 2014.

Machetazo (Spa) - Live at CBGB - New York City - CD
Machetazo (Spa) - Live at CBGB - New York City - CD Price : $12(USD)
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Machinergy (Por) - Sounds Evolution - CD
Machinergy (Por) - Sounds Evolution  - CD Price : $12(USD)
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2nd full length album of Portuguese thrash/death metal. They are playing straight thrash metal with some death metal elements.

Macula (Bra) / Extinction Remains (Bra) - split - CD
Macula (Bra) / Extinction Remains (Bra) - split - CD Price : $14(USD)
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Brazilian crust/grind split. Macula is playing straightforward grinding crust. Extinction Remains plays something like hybrid of grind/death/doom/HC.

Mael Mordha (Ire) - Cluain Tarb - CD
Mael Mordha (Ire) - Cluain Tarb - CD Price : $6(USD)
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Re-ssue of Irish epic metal band's 1st album including 2 bonus tracks. Solemn and dramatic middle tempo based metal with strong mid-pitched clean vocal and catchy melodies.

Mael Mordha (Ire) - Gealtacht Mael Mordha - CD
Mael Mordha (Ire) - Gealtacht Mael Mordha - CD Price : $6(USD)
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2nd album of Irish epic metal band released in 2007. Middle tempo based majstic metal with well-arranged long songs, occasional folky melodies, impressive mid-tone clean vocal. If you are into epic me.....

Maggots (Hol) - Dead and Loving It - CD
Maggots (Hol) - Dead and Loving It - CD Price : $12(USD)
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Magistral Flatulences (Fra) - Pussyfist - CD
Magistral Flatulences (Fra) - Pussyfist - CD Price : $12(USD)
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1st full-length album of French gore grind. Straight grind with catchy pounding riffs and some porn feelings.

Magma Rise (Hun) - Lazy Stream of Steel - CD
Magma Rise (Hun) - Lazy Stream of Steel - CD Price : $12(USD)
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1st full-length album of Hungarian doom metal band featuring members of Mood, Wall Of Sleep and so on. Gloomy heavy aggressive doom riffs with powerful melodic vocals. They mix pentatonic based rockin.....

Magna Veritas (Chl) - Diagrama - CD
Magna Veritas (Chl) - Diagrama - CD Price : $12(USD)
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1st full-length album of Chilean doom band. Symphonic doom featuring violin. Sometimes, it's very emotional and the other time it's weird. Sound production is very raw and not perfect, but it helps to.....

Mahakala (Grc) - Devil's Music - CD
Mahakala (Grc) - Devil's Music - CD Price : $12(USD)
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Majestic Downfall (Mex) / Ansia (Ita) - Split - CD
Majestic Downfall (Mex) / Ansia (Ita) - Split - CD Price : $12(USD)
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Majestic Downfall (Mex) - Temple of Guilt - CD
Majestic Downfall (Mex) - Temple of Guilt - CD Price : $12(USD)
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1st full-length album of Mexican dark metal. Middle tampo based druming and emotional melodic riffs. Dramatic dark metal with the contrast of heavy intenser part and acoustic silent part. If you are i.....

Majestic Downfall (Mex) - The Blood Dance - CD
Majestic Downfall (Mex) - The Blood Dance - CD Price : $12(USD)
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Majestic Downfall (Mex) - Three - digi-CD
Majestic Downfall (Mex) - Three - digi-CD Price : $14(USD)
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3rd full length album of Mexican gothic/doom. Middle tempo based heavy doomed dark metal mixing aggression and melancholy!

Majestic Downfall (Mex) / The Slow Death (Aus) - split - CD
Majestic Downfall (Mex) / The Slow Death (Aus) - split - CD Price : $12(USD)
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Doom split! 1st band is Mexican gothic/doom, Majestic Downfall. They are playing emotional gothic doom with catchy sorrowful riffs. Basically, the tempo is in middle/slow but they don't hesitate to us.....