- Acid Speech (Bra) / Pesticide (Bra) - Corrosive Warfare - CD
Brazilian thrash metal split. They are sharing members, so both bands style is almost the same! Aggressive thrash metal with pounding 2 beat drumming and catchy razor sharp riff.
- Campo De Mayo (Arg) / Permafrost (Arg) - split - CD
- Crystalline Darkness (Por) / Pestilencia (Por) - Delirios - CD
- Fecalizer (Mex) / Paracocci... (Mex) - The House of the Dead / Coito Emetico por Ingestion Adiposa y Fecal - CD
Mexican gore grind split. carcass style gore grind VS hyper speed blasting gore grind!
- Fobile Instinct (Ukr) / Plague Rages (Bra) - split - CD
- Funeral In Heaven (Sri) / Plecto Aliquem Capite (Sri) - Astral Mantras of Dyslexia - digi-CD
- Gore (Bra) / Putrefuck (Esp) / Carnal Trash (Arg) - Intestinal Parasitology Diseases 3 Ways - CD
gore grind 3 way album with Brazilian cult Gore, Spanish Putrefuck and Argentina's Carnal Trash. Pure fucking filth!!!!!!
- Hyperemesis / Pulmonary Fibrosis (Fra) / Hipermenorrea (Mex) - 3 eay pathological split - CD
- Neuropathia (Pol) / Putrescence (Can) - split - CD
- Obscure (Pol) / Pandemic Genocide (Pol) - Split - CDR
Split CDR including 2 Polish bands. Obscure plays melodic death meal band using drum machine. Pandemic Genocide plays 90's Florida style thrashy death metal like Monstrosity.
- Padre Nuestro (Mex) - Quien es el - CD
- Pagan Hellfire (Can) - The Will Of Night - CD
2006 album of Canadian one man black metal. He's playing old school black metal with chilling tremolo riffs with a hope of melancholic melodies.
- Pagan Heritage (Hol) - Forn Sed - CD
- Pagan Winter (Ger) - The Cult Of Flesh - MCD
New stuff of German pagan warriors!!! Unstoppable hyper speed blast with raw and filthy tremolo guitar riffs make your ear bleed! And evil and venomous mid-low growling vocal will kill Jesus! Raw and .....
- Paganfire (Phi) - Tasteless Revenge - CD
death/thrash from Philippines. This CD contains out of print EP, demo, and some unreleased materials. Pounding 2 beat druming and skin shredding thrash riffs. They also add some slow/middle part to cr.....
- Paganizer (Swe) - Basic Instructions For Dying - CD
Swedish death metal. This CD contains unreleased materials recorded at various sessions. Pounding druming without blast beat, strong guitar sound and dark atmosphere. This is really heavy and intense .....
- Paganizer (Swe) - Born to be Buried Alive - MCD
2008 EP of Swedish death metal. Here's what you expect from Swedish death metal bands! Strong guitar sound, deep growling vocal, pounding druming, etc...
- Paganizer (Swe) - As Sanity Dies - CD
2016 EP of Swedish death metal. As always, they are delivering melodic and brutal death metal in Swedish way.
- Paganizer (Swe) - Deadbanger - CD
1st album of Swedish Paganizer originally released in 1999. This is 2015 reissue including Stormfire 1998 demo and unreleased MCD tracks. Nowadays, they are playing death metal but on this album they .....
- Paganland (Ukr) - Fatherland - CD
2nd album of Ukraine pagan metal. Middle tempo based catchy epic viking metal with clean vocal and black metal screaming vocal.
- Paganus (Fin) - s/t - CD
1st album of Finish doom/sludge. This album start with majestic a little melodic dark doom riffs, but soon after it turn into heavy and gloomy sludge doom like US bands. Anyway, if you are into sludge.....
- Painful Memories (Rus) - Memorial To Suffering - CD
Russian melodic doom. This is re-issue of their 1996 album originally released on tape. Their music is typical 90's Russian style melodic doom with monotonous melancholic melodies, middlte tempo riffs.....
- Palace of Worms (USA) - The Forgotten - CD
1st full-length album of US black metal. Most of the songs are about 8 minutes epic type songs. Mixture of middlte tempo part with eerie chord riffs, and intense blasting part with impressive melodic .....
- Pale Divine (USA) - Thunder Perfect Mind - CD
2nd full-length album of US doom/hard rock band. They mix the elements of orthodox doom like Trouble, Candlemass, 70's psychedelic rock, NWOBHM, and so on... Basically, their music is just heavy hard .....
- Pale Mist (UK) - Where the Darkness Is Praised - CD
1st album of UK one man black metal. Orthodox black metal with grim riffs and raw production.
- Pallbearer (USA) - Foundations of Burden - digi-CD
2nd album of US doom metal released in 2014. If you are into doom metal, you've already known how this album was praised. Combination of heavy crushing riffs and catchy sorrowful melodies accompanied .....
- Pandemia (Rus) - Rhapsody of Sickness - CD
Obscure Russian death metal who had been active in mid 90's. This is reissue of their demo originally released in 1995.
- Pandemonium (Pol) - Misanthropy - CD
4th album of veteran Polish black/death metal. Middle tempo dark and heavy death metal riffs with endless Bolt Throwing double bass drumming. Weird and dark black metal atmosphere and occasional exoti.....
- Pandemonium (Pol) - The Ancient Catatonia - CD
- Pandemonium (Pol) - Bones Will Rise From The Ground - CD
Polish veteran death metal who has been active since 1989. This CD contains some unreleased tracks and live recordings.