- Abazagorath (USA) - The Satanic Verses - CD
3rd album of US black metal featuring ex-member of Funebrarum. Their music is melodic yet aggressive black metal which reminds me of Swedish bands like Dissection a little bit.
- Abbath (Nor) - s/t - CD
1st album of solo project of Abbath, who was the member of legendary Norwegian black metal band Immortal. He plays almost the same style as his previous band, cold black metal that meant to be.
- Abbey Ov Thelema (Slv) - A Fragment ov the Great Work - CD
An album for all those who seek progression and experiments in Black Metal, a mystical and also aggressive release with esoteric lyrics,similar to Arcturus, Ihsahn, Enslaved.
8 pages booklet with l.....
- Abhorer (Sin) / Brain Dead (Mal) - Zygotical Ecstacy - CD
South East Asian cult death metal split! Singapore cult death metal Abhorer who's known for the split with mighty Necrophile released in early 90's. Their side contains excerpts from 1996 album ".....
- Abhorred Despiser (Ind) - Was Raped - CD
1st full-length album of Indonesian brutal death. Typical Indonesian style brutal death with brutal heavy riffs, high speed blasting drums, and ultra guttural vocals.
- Abhorrent (Chl) - History of the World's End - 2CD
- Abhoth - s/t - CD
Abhoth are one of the few Metal bands from Montenegro and their music is highly recommended for everyone into Atmospheric Death Metal! The band sounds in the best traditions of South European extreme .....
- Abigai (Jpn) / Mantak (Mal) - The Eastern Desekratorz - CD
Asian metal split. First band is Japanese Abigail. Perhaps, no descriptions are needed for them. Including live tracks from their US tour when Auka of ex-Rise Above was played guitar. next band is Mal.....
- Abigail (Jpn) / Sign of Evil (Ita) - Reaper's Night - CD
- Abigail (Jpn) - Ultimate Unholy Death - CD
- Abismo / Neh Czneg / Tumulte - 3 Way Split - pro CDR
- Abismo (Bra) - Ventos De Eter - CD
- Abisso (Ita) - WRNSS - digi-CD
1st album of Italian black metal released in 2016. Eerie and complex black metal with tons of discord under the influences from Death Spell Omega.
- Ablaze In Hatred (Fin) - Deceptive Awareness - CD
1st album of Finnish melodic doom. Dramatic melodic doom with layers of multiple elements like majestic heavy riffs, emotional lead melodies, and atmospheric keybord. As good as typical doom band, the.....
- Ablaze in Hatred (Fin) - The Quietude Plains - CD
- Abnormal Inhumane (Grc) - Disgusting Cruelty of Homicide - CD
- Abnormyndeffect (Mol) - Curtea Suprema - digi-CD
2nd album of Moldova's chaotic grind. They are playing so called chaotic grind with complex rhythm and riffs.
- Abominant (USA) - The Way After - CD
Veteran US death metal band. This is re-release of their 4th album originaly released by Wild rags Rec in 1999. They are playing brutal but also melodic death metal in European way. Including the cove.....
- Abominant (USA) - Warblast - CD
- Abominant (USA) - Onward to Annihilation - digi-CD
- Abominant (USA) - Triumph of the Kill - CD
- Abominator (Aus) - Eternal Conflagration - CD
4th album of Aussie blackin' death metal band released in 2006. Everlasting blasts meets dark and heavy tremolo riffs. Ultimately intense and aggressive blackin' death!
- Aboriorth (Spa) - The Austere Perpetuity of Nothingness - CD
2nd full length album of Spanish black metal. dark and grim black metal mixing aggressive fast part and atmospheric slow/middle part.
- Aboriorth (Spa) - Anchorite - CD
2012 EP of Spanish one man black metal band. This EP contains only 2 songs but both songs are about 13 minutes epic.
- Abort Mastication (Jpn) - Dogmas - CD
2nd album of Japanese hyper brutal death/grind. After they released 1st album in 2008, each member had been active in other bands like Butcher ABC, Cohol, Defiled Ozigiri etc..., in 2012, they unite a.....
- Abscess (USA) / Bloodred Bacteria (Ger) - split - CD
Perhaps, no description is needed for Abscess! They deliver us 4 tracks of dark and gloomy death metal only Abscess can play! BB plays mega brutal grind with solid riffs and intense vocals.
- Abscess (USA) - Damned and Mummified - CD
4th album of US death metal. On this album, you can hear some Rockn' Roll elements, of course there are a lot of doomy death metal, too.
- Absinthium (Ita) - One for the Road - CD
- Abske Fides (Bra) - Disenlightment - MCD
2nd EP of Brazilian doom band.Basically, their music is heavy doom/death mixing dark doom riff and weird clean tone guitar, which reminds me of Evoken. But they aren't just a copy cat, and they are mi.....
- Abstract Spirit (Rus) - Liquid Dimensions Change - CD
Russian doom