- The Wizar'd (Aus) - Infernal Wizardry - CD
1st full length album of Australian doom metal. This Tasmanian doom band plays dark and melancholic old fashoned doom under the influence from Sabbath.
- The Wolves of Avalon (UK) - Carrion Crows over Camlan - CD
- This-Is-Hell (Mex) - Sangre y dominio - CD
- Thorngoth (Ger) - Thelema of Destruction - CD
- Thorns of Grief (Pol) - Anthems to My Remains - CD
1st full length album of Polish one man funeral doom band released in 2019. For those who aren't familiar with this genre, you might think there are not so much variations. In my opinion, ToG is omino.....
- Those Who Bring The Torture (Swe) - Piling Up - CD
Swedish death division THOSE WHO BRING THE TORTURE is striking back with their fourth full-length album. "Piling Up" includes 10 songs of powerful, heavy and crushing death metal that will c.....
- Thou (USA) - Peasant - CD
- Thranenkind (Ger) - Eine Momentaufnahme - Der Rest ist nur Einsamkeit - MCD
2010 EP of German shoe-gazer/post-black metal. Basically, their music is middle tempo based depressive black metal with sorrowful tremolo riffs and harsh vocals. Sometimes, they add post-rock elements.....
- Thrash or Die (US) - Poser Holocaust - CD
Debut album of US/Florida thrash metal featuring ex-memmber of Demolition Hammer, current member of Solstice and so on. Perhaps, Solstice is their main band and this is much more "for fun" t.....
- Throes of Dawn (Fin) - Binding of the Spirit - CD
Finish atmospheric symphonic metal. Emotional middle tempo based melodic metal with symphonic synrh sounds, mixture of black metal scream and clean vocal, emotional melodies.
- Thrombus (USA) - Mental Turmoil - CD
US death metal who had been active in early 90's featuring members of Shadows of the Torturer, Aldebaran etc... This is reissue of their 1st demo originally released in 1993. Their style is straightfo.....
- Thromos (Ger) - Haures - CD
- Throne Of Evil (Chl) - Muerte Por Creencias - CD
1st album of Chilean black metal. They are playing intense black metal mixing screaming vocals and some majestic chants.
- Throne of Sacrilege (USA) / Impurium (USA) - Unleashing a Cacophony of Destruction - CD
- Throne ov Shiva (Mex) - Enchanter ov Serpents - CD
- Throneum (Pol) / Necroccultus (Mex) / Sanctifier (Bra) - Cemetary Sons Of Hell - CD
Old School death metal 3-way split. The first band is Polish blast metaller Throneum. As always, they deliver us ultimately intense blasting metal! next is mexican Necroccultus, they are playing dark .....
- Throneum (Pol) - Pestilent Death - CD
- Throneum (Pol) - The Underground Storm Eternally - CD
Polish old school death band Throneum's 2nd demo is re-released on CD with 3 unreleased reh tracks! Their music is dark and intense fast metal with blasphemous mid-high growl, everlasting blast beat o.....
- Throneum (Pol) - Mutiny Of Death - CD
2nd full-length album of this Polish old school mega-blasting death horde! Extremely fast blasts with raw chainsaw riffs! More sadistik, more extreme, more intense! No one can stop their storm of auid.....
- Throneum (Pol) / Revelation of Doom (Pol) - Total Regression - CD
- Throneum (Pol) - Death Throne Entities - CD
6th album of Polish death metal horde! As good as their standard, we can hear hyper blasting sadistic death metal onslaught here! Extreme aggression of metal!!!!
- Throneum (Pol) - Old Death's Lair - digi-CD
Polish blast metal holocaust!!! This is re-issued version of their 1st album originally released by Weird Truth. Extreme blast metal with intense fast blasting drums, old school death/thrash riffs und.....
- Throneum (Pol) - Bestial Antihuman Evil - digi-CD
Polish blasting death/thrash. This is reissue of their 2002 EP with tracks from The Last Morgue EP, Hell Obscure Temptation split, and Beherit cover as bonus tracks.
- Throneum (Pol) - Mutiny of Death - digi-CD
2nd full-length album of this Polish old school mega-blasting death horde! Extremely fast blasts with raw chainsaw riffs! More sadistik, more extreme, more intense! No one can stop their storm of audi.....
- Throneum (Pol) - Pestilent Death - digi-CD
3rd full length album of Polish blast metal onslaught!!!! This is reissued version including the tracks from split with Incriminated, and 3 way split with Sanctifier and Necrocultus. Iah!
- Throneum (Pol) - Deathmass of the Gravedancer - CD
- Throneum (Pol) - The Unholy Ones - CD
- Throneum (Pol) - Deathcult Conspiracy - CD
5th album of Polish black/death released in 2009. On this album, they deliver mid paced dark and heavy black/death a lot. Of course there are also some intense blasting songs too!
- Throneum (Pol) - Ugly Raw Aggressive and Dead - 2CD
Polish raw blasting blackened death metal master! This double CD contains the tracks from many splits, EP they recorded from 2001 to 2007.
- Throneum (Pol) - Ugly Raw Aggressive and Dead - big digi-2CD
Polish raw blasting blackened death metal master! This double CD contains the tracks from many splits, EP they recorded from 2001 to 2007. Limited special big digi-CD edition.