- Carnal Garden (Grc) - Where They Are Silent - CD
1st full length album of Greek death metal featuring member of Abyssus. Their guitar sound is HM2 buzzsaw one, but their songs aren't so Swedish style, more mid-tempo heavy death metal combining the i.....
- Carnivore Mind (Bra) / Hipermenorrea (Mex) - split - CD
- Carnivorous Vagina (Ita) - Strage Cannibale - CD
3rd album of Italian death metal. They are playing the music deeply influenced by Mortician, down tuned heavy guitars, mechanical machine beat, and deep growls.
- Carnivorous Vagina (Ita) - Bango Di Sangue - CD
Italian Mortician worshipper. This is 3rd album released in 2005. Mechanical machine beat, ultra heavy riffs, deep growl. If you are into Mortician, you can imagine their music easily. Sometimees, the.....
- Carnyx (Fra) - Leaving Reason - CD
1st full-length album of French one man black metal. Intense fast black metal with melancholic melodies.
- Carpathian Forest (Nor) - Skjend Hans Lik - digi-CD
Norwegian thrashin black metal! Special CD including 4 unreleased studio/live tracks, 1992 demo Bloodlust And Perversion, and video track.
- Carpathian Forest (Nor) - We're Going To Hell... - CD
- Carpathian Forest (Nor) - Strange Old Brew - CD
2nd album of this Norwegian black metal master They have included 2 type of songs in this album, one is fast thrashy songs influenced by Celtic Frost, and the othr is dark atomospheric songs with myst.....
- Carpathian Forest (Nor) - Fuck You All! - CD
5th album of Norwegian black metal. As good as their previous releases, their are influences from old gods like Celtic Frost, Bathory. But there are also some rock n' black/thrash elements. Very catch.....
- Carpticon (Nor) - Master Morality - CD
1st full length album of Norwegian black metal band released in 2006. Cold black metal with chilly tremolo riffs and blasphemous screaming vocals.
- Casket Grinder (Col) - Fall into Dementia - CD
1st full length album of Colombian death/grind released in 2020. Straightforward death/grind with full of blast!!!!
- Cast Iron (Fin) - Leather And Metal - MCD
1st MCD of Finish metal band. They are playing pure heavy metal in the vein of NWOBHM. Driving middle tempo based rythm and catchy metal riffs with occasional harmonies. Mainlu vocalist use powerful f.....
- Catacombe (Por) - Quidam - digi-CD
2nd album of Portuguese instrumental post rock/metal. Reissued version released by Third I Rex which is run by Dea Marica member.
- Catacumba (Bra) - Animus Mortis - CD
- Catacumba (Bra) / Abigail (Jpn) / Taekaury (Kor) / The True Endless (Ita) - Region of the Underworld - CD
- Catacumba (Bra) - Kratos - CD
- Cataleptic (Fin) - Strength Within - CD
1st album of Finnish gtohic/doom metal. Their music is something like hybrid of dark and heavy doom with growling vocal, and Katatonia influenced mit-tempo based emotional gothic metal.
- Cataplexy (Jpn) - Devangelight - CD
2nd album of Japanese black metal. They are playing dark and melancholic melodic black metal with hyper blasting drumming, impressive tremolo melodies and sorrowful roaring vocals.
- Cataplexy (Jpn) - Archives - CD
Japanese black metal veteran. This is the compilation containing their 1st 2 demos and unreleased tracks on 1 CD. They started as a death metal band in early 90's and on 1st demo they played pure deat.....
- Cataplexy (Jpn) / Miasma Death (Jpn) - The Goddess Ov Darkness and Sleep.... 孵 / 海 - CD
Japanese black metal split CD. Both bands deliver 2 new songs for this split. Cataplexy plays melodic and intense black metal. Miasma Death plays slow dismal doomed black/death.
- Cataplexy (Jpn) - ...Lunar Eclipse, Chaos to the Ruin... - CD
1st album of this Japanese black metal band who have been active since early 90's, originally released in 2008. This is 2016 reissue. Catchy sorrowful tremolo melodies, tight blasting drums, strong sc.....
- Catapult the Smoke (USA) - Born in Fire - CD
2nd album of US doom rock. Middle tempo based moody doom rock with catchy rockin' riffs.
- Catapult the Smoke (USA) - Unearthed - CD
1st album of US doom rock. Middle tempo based bone crushing rockin' doom riffs with gloomy vocals.
- Catatonic Atrocity (USA) - Eradication Of Humanity - CD
US old school death metal. They are playing old school death metal mixing aggressive doble bass druming, fast riffs and middle tempo weird melody riffs. They are from US but sounds like European band......
- Catheter (USA) - Southwest Doom Violence - CD
- Catheter (USA) - Dimension 303 - CD
- Cauldron Black Ram (Aus) - Stalagmire - CD
- Cave Dweller (USA) - Invocations - digi-CD
2022 album of US experimental folk/ambient. Dark and eerie folk/ambient in the cave of Massachusetts! Using multiple sounds like acoustic instruments, electronic instruments, nature sounds, whispering.....
- Cebren-Khal (Fra) - A Mass of Despair - CD
1st album of French metal band. If I categorize their music briefly, it'post-metal. They mix a lot of influences in to their music, gothic metal, melodic death/black, dark metal, etc... Middle tempo b.....
- Celebrant (Bel) - Spawn of Chaos - CD
2nd album of Belgian death metal. Brutal and aggressive death metal with tight playing.