- Margg (Ira) - Balkhorno Horn - CD
1st EP of Iran's black metal. Mid paced black metal with simple riffs.
- Marthyrium (Esp) - Beyond the Thresholds - CD
1st album of Spanish black metal released in 2017. Orthodox dark and intense black metal with blast, chilly riffs. For fans of Mayhem, Marduk and so on.
- Martire (Aus)/Throneum (Pol) - United In Hell - CD
Old school death metal split. Aussie veteran death metal band Martire deliver 2 songs from splitEP with Angel Corpse, and unreleased demo 1999. They are playing evil and dark but also brutal death met.....
- Martyr Lucifer (Ita) - Farewell to Graveland - CD
1st album of Italian gothic rock featuring At the Gates/Paradise Lost member.
- Martyrdom (Chn) - II - MCDR
2003 MCDR of this Chinese black metal band. They are playing intense raw black metal with grim tremolo melodies. Including the cover of Trooper of Iron Maiden.
- Martyrvore (USA) - Possessed By Mayhemic Slaughter - CD
1st full-length album of US black metal. Extremely raw and brutal grinding black metal in the vein of Blasphemy!
- Masachist (Pol) - Scorned - CD
- Masacre (Col) - Cancer De Nuestros Dias - CD
Columbian death metal legend! This Cd is including 2 of their demos released in 1989 and 1990. Early South American style raw and brutal old school death metal!
- Masacre (Col) - Sacro - CD
Re-release of their 95 album with 4 bonus tracks. Old school raw death metal with Intense Spanish lyrics. Technical guitar solos with neo-classical melodies are one of their strong point.
- Masacre (Col) - Colombia... Imperio del terror / Cancer de nuestros dias - CD
Columbian death metal legend! This Cd is including 2 of their demos released in 1989 and 1990. Early South American style raw and brutal old school death metal!
- Masada (USA) - Hideous Rot - CD
- Mascharat (Ita) - s/t - CD
1st album of Italian black metal. There are almost no information about them expect they are from Milan, Italy. As a black metal tradition, they try to hide behind the veil and keep it mystic. Musical.....
- Masharat (Ita) - s/t - CD
1st album of Italian black metal. atmospheric black metal combining eerie mood and subtle melodies.
- Mass Extinction (Ire) - Creation's Undoing - MCD
2008 EP of Irish thrash metal. Catchy thrash metal with razor sharp riffing.
- Mass Kontrol Genocide (Jpn) - Apocalypse - CD
1st full length album of Japanese one man black metal. Raw and noisy black metal with subtle HC influences.
- Massacre (Col) - Metal Medallo Attack - CD
- Massacre (USA) - Europe And Beyond - CD
Live bootleg CD featuring their live in Germany 1991. Sound isn't so good but who cares? Intense old school death metal with hellish growl!
- Massemord (Pol) - A Life-giving Power of Devastation - CD
- Master of Cruelty (Par) - Spit on the Holy Grail - CD
1st album of Death/thrash from Paraguay. Unholy bestial blackend deathrash from hell!
- Master (USA) - s/t - CD/DVD
- Master (USA/Cze) - Slaves to Society - CD
9th album of US/Czech death metal band originally released in 2007. This is 2020 reissue with new cover artwork!
- Masturbace (Cze) - Masturbace - Nablinkano, nakakano, spapano - CD
4th album of Czech death/grind. Funny death/grind mixing death, grind, thrash, black metal, and some other elements.
- Matalobos (Mex) - s/t - digi-CDr
1st EP of Mexican melodic death metal. Mid paced gothic-tinted melodic death metal/dark metal. limited to 100 copies.
- Matalobos (Mex) - s/t - CD
1st EP of Mexican melodic doom released in 2015. They mix intense doom riffs and melancholic melodies. Their style is similar to the ones of November, Katatonia and so on.
- Matalobos (Mex) - The Grand Splendour of Death - CD
2nd album of Mexican melodic doom/death released in 2020. Gloomy and melancholic doom/death with tons of beautiful melodies. There are also some so-called melodic death metal influences.
- Mater Monstifera (Cze) - Na zrcadlech lzi - CD
- Matiasu (Idn) - Doom Dance - digi-CD
1st EP of Indonesian doom rock. Traditional doom rock with crushing heavy riffs.
- Maudlin - A Sign Of Time - digisleeve CD
- Maul (USA) - Gallery of Torment - CD
US death metal founded in 2017. This is the compilation CD containing demo, split stuffs released from 2018-2020. They are playing crushing death metal with subtle hardcore influences.
- Mausoleum (USA) - Cadaveric Displays of Ghoulish Ghastliness - CD