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Nalvage (Ita) - Worship Dehumanization - CD
Nalvage (Ita) - Worship Dehumanization - CD Price : $12(USD)
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1st album of Italian death metal. Dark death metal with tight playing, and some modern black metal feelings.

Nameless (Col) - Threshold of Doom - CD
Nameless (Col) - Threshold of Doom - CD Price : $12(USD)
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The last legend Colombian Death Metal Doom finally in '94 promo CD including "Dome of Doom" and the legendary "Across The Threshold" '95 Demo EP, Death Doom Metal in the old vein, .....

Nargothrond (Gre) - Following the Frostpaths of the Hyperborean Landscapes - CD
Nargothrond (Gre) - Following the Frostpaths of the Hyperborean Landscapes - CD Price : $12(USD)
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1st album of Greek black metal released in 2007. They are mixing French style melodic black and Bathory/Celtic Frost style evil middle part. Limited to 1,000 copies.

Narkan (Per) - Larvario - CD
Narkan (Per) - Larvario - CD Price : $12(USD)
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Narrow House (Ukr) - A Key to Panngrieb - CD
Narrow House (Ukr) - A Key to Panngrieb - CD Price : $12(USD)
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Narrow House (Ukr) - Thanathonaut - CD
Narrow House (Ukr) - Thanathonaut - CD Price : $12(USD)
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2nd album of Ukraine melancholic metal band. Basically their music is slow/mid paced melancholic melodic metal, and they combines some extra elements like saxophone, contrabass, etc...

Nashgul (Spa) - Obey - CD
Nashgul (Spa) - Obey - CD Price : $10(USD)
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Nattergal (Mex) - Apocalypse of Soul - CD
Nattergal (Mex) - Apocalypse of Soul - CD Price : $14(USD)
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2nd album of Mexican one-female black metal band. The music of Nattergal is basically dark and eerie black metal, but there are also some doom elements, for example over 14 minutes epic, Displacement .....

Natural Spirit (Cze) - Under Sickle of Time - CD
Natural Spirit (Cze) - Under Sickle of Time - CD Price : $14(USD)
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4th album of Czech folk/pagan metal released in 2020. Basically their music is typical folk/pagan metal but there are some modern elements too.

Naumachia (Pol) - Machine Of Creation - CD
Naumachia (Pol) - Machine Of Creation  - CD Price : $12(USD)
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4th album of Polish progressive black/death. Progressive black/death mixing modern sounding black/death riffs and many experimental elements.

Nazarene Decomposing (Ger) - Demonic Inquisition - CD
Nazarene Decomposing (Ger) - Demonic Inquisition - CD Price : $14(USD)
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1st full length album of German black metal released in 2009. This is pure fucking black metal without any frills! Intense black metal mixing the influences from First wave bands like Bathory and 2nd .....

Nazghor (Swe) - Life Impaled - CD
Nazghor (Swe) - Life Impaled - CD Price : $12(USD)
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Nazghor (Swe) - Through Darkness and Hell - CD
Nazghor (Swe) - Through Darkness and Hell - CD Price : $12(USD)
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Nazghor (Swe) - Diabolical Teachings - CD
Nazghor (Swe) - Diabolical Teachings - CD Price : $12(USD)
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4th album of Swedish black metal.Good quality melodic black metal that should be so.

Nazxul (Aus) - Black Seed - CD
Nazxul (Aus) - Black Seed - CD Price : $12(USD)
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Australian black metal. This CD contains Black Seed Ep originaly released in 1998, 1994 demo, and 2 live tracks. Symphonic but also evil and aggressive black metal,

Nazxul (Aus) - Iconoclast - CD
Nazxul (Aus) - Iconoclast - CD Price : $12(USD)
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2nd album of Australian black metal after 14 years they released 1st album in 1995! they are playing symphonic black metal. Perhaps, you think it's another gay keyboard-oriented black metal, but it's .....

Nazxul (Aus) - Totem - CD
Nazxul (Aus) - Totem - CD Price : $14(USD)
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1st album of Australian black metal originally released in 1995. This is 2018 reissue. Violent and blasphemous black metal that meant to be! They are using keyboard too but there are no mellowness. On.....

Neath (Aus) - The Spider's Sleep - CD
Neath (Aus) - The Spider's Sleep - CD Price : $12(USD)
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1st album of Australian symphonic melodic death/metal. They mix power metal with creal vocal, melodic death metal with growl, and some progressive metal elements.

Neath (Aus) - The Small Untruths - CD
Neath (Aus) - The Small Untruths - CD Price : $12(USD)
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2nd full-length album of Australian atmospheric death metal. They are mixing middle tempo based melancholic atmospheric metal using moody clean vocal symphonic keys, and aggressive heavy death metal w.....

Nebelwerfer (Rus) - The Spirit of Violation - CD
Nebelwerfer (Rus) - The Spirit of Violation - CD Price : $12(USD)
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1st album of Russian black metal. Fast and brutal black metal with tight playing and eerie cold mood.

Nebiros (Ger) - Stacheldraht - CD
Nebiros (Ger) - Stacheldraht - CD Price : $12(USD)
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Polish black metal. Re-release of 2003 demo with multimedia bonus track. Raw and dirty Satanic black metal!

Nebiros (Ger) - Komando 666 - CD
Nebiros (Ger) - Komando 666 - CD Price : $12(USD)
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Polish black/death. This is re-issue of their self-released album originally released in 2005. Sadistic raw Satanic dirty black/death.

Neblinum (Chl) - Until the Time Destroy the Flesh - CD
Neblinum (Chl) - Until the Time Destroy the Flesh - CD Price : $14(USD)
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2nd full length album of Chilean one man depressive black metal band. Slow-paced raw depressive black metal.

Nebulos Aetrerum (Chl) - Thanatorivm - CD
Nebulos Aetrerum (Chl) - Thanatorivm - CD Price : $14(USD)
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1st full length album of Chilean black metal. Cold black metal with a lot of eerie disharmony.

Nechist (Rus) - Prozrenie - CD
Nechist (Rus) - Prozrenie - CD Price : $12(USD)
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Necrario (Col) / Luciferian Rites (Mex) - Astral Projection of the Anti-Existence - CD
Necrario (Col) / Luciferian Rites (Mex) - Astral Projection of the Anti-Existence - CD Price : $14(USD)
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Mid/South American black metal split! Colombian Necrario plays mid-paced melancholic black metal. Mexican Luciferian Rites plays cold and intense black metal with subtle melancholic melodies.

Necro (Ita) - Gore Ceremony - CD
Necro (Ita) - Gore Ceremony - CD Price : $12(USD)
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Necroabortion (Arg) - Brutal Misanthropy - CD
Necroabortion (Arg) - Brutal Misanthropy - CD Price : $12(USD)
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Necrocannibalistic Vomitorium (Ukr) - Hvmani Corporis Ossvm - digi-CD
Necrocannibalistic Vomitorium (Ukr) - Hvmani Corporis Ossvm - digi-CD Price : $12(USD)
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6th album of Ukraine gore grind. Straightforward raw and filthy gore grind that meant to be.

Necrodamus (USA) - No Rest For The Wizard - CD
Necrodamus (USA) - No Rest For The Wizard - CD Price : $14(USD)
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1st album of US thrash/death band by te illustrator who draws the cover art for NUnslaughter, Centinex. They mix straight thrash riffs and gloomy riffs like Autopsy.