- Nidra (Rus) / K.M. (Rus) - Epitaph Of Solitude - CD
Russian dark metal/doom split. Nidra from Perm play dark doom mixing solemn synth sound, operatic clean vocal and growls. They are using drum machine, which add ambient/industrial atmosphere a little......
- Niflheim (Kor) - A Feast Of Darkness - MCD
Korean mid-tempo based symphonic melodic death with gay keybord, impressive melodies, and death metal vocals.
- Night Must Fall (Fin) - Dissonance Of Thought - MCD
2 song EP of this Finish funeral doom band. Extremely slow rythm and eerie mood mixing heavy riffs and weird clean tone. Vocals are mainly torturous screaming one, shich makes dark ritualistic atmosph.....
- Nightbitch (USA) - Sex and Magic - digi-CD
1st EP of US occultic heavy metal. dark and gloomy occultic heavy metal under the influences from Black Sabbath, Angelwitch and so on..
- Nightfall (Gre) - Lesbian Show - CD
- Nightfall (Gre) - Electronegative - CD
- Nightfall (Gre) - Diva Futura - digi-CD
- Nihasa (Grc) - Brahamanda Xul Grimoire - digi-CD
- Nihdrym (Fra) - Kosmosophia - CD
1st album of French depressive black metal originally released in 2008. This is 2020 reissue with new artwork. Mid-paced depressive black metal with some ambient part.
- Nihil Domination (Ecu) - Sado Perverser Goat Insulter - CD
- Nihilistic Kaos (Fra) - Les Homelies du Vice - CD
- Niko Skorpio (Fin) / Kouhei Matsunaga (Jpn) - Split - CD
Noise/Ambient split. Japanese artist Kouhei Matsunaga deliver us 17 tracks of electric soundscape. ex-Thergothon artist Niko Skorpio also deliver us noise ambient tracks. His music is including deep v.....
- Nivathe (USA) - Enveloped in a Diseased Abyss - CD
1st album of US sludge/doom. extremely dark and aggressive sludge doom with noisy heavy guitars, hysteric screaming vocal, and dark mood.
- No Point in Living - Life Without Hope - digi-CD
Japanese one man black metal band's 2020 album, who releases 5 or 6 albums per year since 2017! Slow paced atmospheric black metal with melancholic melodies.
- No Point in Living (Jpn) - The Cold NIght - digi-CD
Japanese one man black metal who's extremely active. He's releasing at least 5 albums per year since 2017. This is physical version of the one of the album which was released in 2017. Musically, it's .....
- No Rest for the Dead (Jpn) - The End of Space - CD
- Noche Eterna (Ecu) - Lucifer, Corpus Edimus - CD
1st full length album of Ecuador black metal. Raw and filthy black metal.
- Nocra (Rus) - The Haunting - CD
2nd album of Russian black metal duo. They are playing dark and eerie symphonic black metal.
- Nocturnal Breed (Nor) - No Retreat... No Surrender - CD
- Nocturnal Breed (Nor) - The Tools of the Trade - CD
- Nocturnal Breed (Nor) - Black Cult - CD
- Nocturnal Breed (Nor) - Triumph of the Blasphemer - CD
- Nocturnal Degrade (Ita) - The Deep Tragic Human Condition - CD
2nd album of Italian one man depressive black metal band. So called depressive black metal with Lo-Fi but effective sound production.
- Nocturnal Depression (Fra) - Near to the Stars - CD
French depressive black metal. This is re-recording of their 2004 demo. Their music is simple and minimalistic slow/mid paced black metal.
- Nocturnal Hell (Esp) - 4 Years of Supreme Shit - CD
Spanish one man black/thrash. No drum machine shit here, it's raw and filthy black/thrash that should be so!!!! This album contains the track from demo and split they had released from 2008 to 2011.
- Nocturnal Hell (Spa) - 4 Years of Supreme Shit - CD
- Nocturnal Hollow (USA) - Triumphantly Evil - CD
6th album of US death metal released in 2021. They are playing old school death metal under the influences from Swedish death metal.
- Nocturnal Hollow (USA) - A Whisper of an Horrendous Soul - CD
5th album of Venezuela-origin US old school death metal band released in 2019. This is 2020 reissue by Mexican Concreto Records. The music they are playing is pure Swedish style death metal with buzz .....
- Nocturnal Sin (Mex) - Nastier... - CD
- Nocturnal Torment (USA) - They Come at Night - CD
1st album of US death metal. old school death metal mixing US and Swedish feel.