Funeral Moth - Japanese extreme doom metal

Contact : funeralmoth[at] [at] to @)

Funeral Moth Past Shows

7th December 2024 / Hatsudai Wall, Tokyo
w/ Abiuro, Green Tripe, Nepenthes, and 中学生棺桶.
11th April 2024 / Asakusa Gold Sounds, Tokyo
w/ Coffins, Deterge, The Nausea.
14th October 2023 / Minamihorie SOCORE FACTORY, Osaka / Serendipity
w/ DUB 4 REASON. NOT II BELIKESOMEONE, Second To None, and Wrongstate.
23rd July 2023 / BushBash, Koiwa, Tokyo / Koiwa Death Fest.vol.88 Summer 2023
w/ Begräbnis, DxIxE, Terrokraft, and 肉奴隷.
17th June 2023 / Shinjuku Merry-Go-Round, Tokyo / für OMEN vol. 6
w/ Begräbnis, and Lifeblood.
13th May 2023 / Shinokubo Earthdom, Tokyo / 静と動
w/ Anyo, Coffins, Sari, and Zenocide.
28th October 2022 / Shinjuku GODZ, Tokyo / Amputee "Syzygy" release party
w/ Abiulo, and Lifeblood.
27th August 2022 / Minamihorie SOCORE FACTORY, Osaka / Fareast Death Cult 2022 vol.02
w/ assembrage, CONGRATULATIONS, SECOND TO NONE, and Quetzalcoatl.
3rd July 2022 / Shinokubo Earthdom, Tokyo / Come And See II Day1
w/ KOGNITIV KOLLAPS(Maniac+Masahiko Okubo), Coffins, KAOGANAI, and Sex Virgin Killer+Wolf Creek.
11th April 2021 / BushBash, Koiwa, Tokyo / Distro. Day 4
w/ Miasma Death.
8th September 2019 / Copenhagen, Denmark / Kill Town Deathfest VII
1st September 2019 / Asakusa Kurawood, Tokyo / Obliteration Records Presents "Asakusa Extreme Vol. 51
w/ Anatomia, Brob, Butcher ABC, Coffins and Invictus.
24th August 2019 / Shindaita Fever, Tokyo / Fareast Death Cult 2019 vol. 2
w/ assembrage, heaven in her arms, Killie, Nepenthes, NOT II BELIKESOMEONE, ROCKY & the SWEEDEN, SECOND TO NONE, and She luv it.
6th April 2019 / Socrates, Kyoto / internal organs vol. 3
w/ Amber Vial, EAT, Hemipenis, johatsutoshi, and Seek.
1st December 2018 / Ochiai Soup, Tokyo / Mourning December
1st December 2018 / Ochiai Soup, Tokyo / Mourning Decemberw/ Caassimolar, Deadly Spawn and Necro-E.
28th October 2018 / Gold Sounds, Tokyo / Asakusa Deathfest 2018
28th October 2018 / Gold Sounds, Tokyo / Asakusa Deathfest 2018w/Abigail, Convulse, Gate, Gutted, Intestine Baalism, Kutabare, Petrification, Teethgrinder.
20th October 2018 / WildSide, Tokyo / Monolithe Japan tour 2018
20th October 2018 / WildSide, Tokyo / Monolithe Japan tour 2018w/ Coffins, Monolithe, Presence of Souls and Sunday Bloody Sunday.
12th August 2018 / Asakusa Gold Sounds, Tokyo / Asakusa Extreme vol.47 Primitive Obsession Japan Tour 2018
12th August 2018 / Asakusa Gold Sounds, Tokyo / Asakusa Extreme vol.47 Primitive Obsession Japan Tour 2018w/ Anatomia, Moenos and Shambles.
14th July 2018 / Counter Action, Sapporo, Hokkaido / REVENGE ATTACK 4 -Extermination Day-
14th July 2018 / Counter Action, Sapporo, Hokkaido / REVENGE ATTACK 4 -Extermination Day-w/ Battle Shrine, Fra Hedensk Tid, Neurosexxx, Revenger, Diffana, and Vyson
23rd June 2018 / Minamihorie SOCORE FACTORY, Osaka / Fareast Death Cult 2018 VOl. 1
23rd June 2018 / Minamihorie SOCORE FACTORY, Osaka / Fareast Death Cult 2018 VOl. 1w/ Bucher ABC, Cataplexy, NECRONOMIDOL,Second To None, Swarrrm and 明日の叙景(Asu no Joukei).
May 20th 2018 / Studio Ongakukan Akihabara, Tokyo / Akiba Extreme Vol. 17
May 20th 2018 / Studio Ongakukan Akihabara, Tokyo / Akiba Extreme Vol. 17w/ Asocial Terror Fabrication, Miasma Death and Retch.
April 14th 2018 / Nakano Heavysick ZERO, Tokyo / Miasma Death EP release party
April 14th 2018 Miasma Death EP release partyw/ Abigail, Miasma Death and Worship Pain.
December 17th 2017 / Forestlimit, Hatagaya, Tokyo / "Alabanza | Lengsel" release party
December 17th 2017 Alabanza | Lengsel release partyw/ Concierto de la Familia, viviankrist + risaripa, Miasma Death, and moshimoshi aka blackphone666.
September 24th 2017 / El Puente, Nishiyokohama, Kanagawa / Lizzard WIzard Japan Tour
September 3rd 2017 Lizzard Wizzard Japan Tourw/ Lizzard Wizzard(Aus), Floaters, and Lifeblood.
September 10th 2017 / BushBash, Koiwa, Tokyo / Koiwa Death Fest.vol.80 Summer 2017
September 10th 2017 Koiwa Death Fest.vol.80 Summer 2017w/ 注射針混入豚, 瘧鬼, Congenital Harmorrhoids, and Deathcount.
September 9th 2017 / El Puente, Nishiyokohama, Kanagawa / funeral of cold and beautiful daeth vol. 12
September 9th 2017 funeral of cold and beautiful daeth vol. 12/ Inferno Requiem(TPE), Deathlike Sirence, Enfer kommander, Exoforce, Fra Hedensk Tid, and Galga Falmul.
July 16th 2017 / Flat, Nishiogikubo, Tokyo / Germination vol.2
July 16th 2017 Germination vol.2w/ cape light, D.C.I.D, ILIAS, and pale.
March 26th 2017 / El Puente, Nishiyokohama, Kanagawa / Yokohama Extreme vol.5
Yokohama Extreme vol.5w/ Deiphago, F.I.D, Murdiena, and Necrophile.
February 26th 2017 / PitBar, Nisiogikubo, Tokyo / Absent Lovers Night Vol. 4
Absent Lovers Night Vol. 4w/ Deep Count and isolate.
February 25th 2017 / El Puente, Nishiyokohama, Kanagawa / Born to Booze vol.14
Born to Booze vol.14w/ Dhidalah, Floaters, Veritas Conc. 75 and 穴虎69.
January 9th 2017 / Studio Kura, Asakusa, Tokyo / Asakusa Extreme 39
w/ Disrotted, Lurking Fear, Su19B, 注射針混入豚, and 目玉湯鯨.
January 8th 2017 / El Puente, Yokohama, Kanagawa / Bullshit Propaganda #13
Bullshit Propaganda #13w/ Disrotted, and Su19B.
October 16th 2016 / Higashikoenji 20000Denatsu, Tokyo / Higashikoenji of the Dead
Higashikoenji of the Deadw/不幸(Fucho), G.A.T.E.S, O.G.D., and Shithter.
September 17th 2016 / Beijing 13club, China / Dying for 15 years
Dying for 15 yearsw/Electric Laov, Never Before, Nous, Platypus, and Vine House
21st August 2016 / Shinmatsudo Firebird, Chiba / Extreme Mad Terror
Funeral Moth - transience release gig - Shinmatsudo Firebird明日の叙景(Asu no Jokei), Deathblast, and Lifeblood.
11th August 2016 / Shinsaibashi Hokage, Osaka / Funeral Moth - transience release gig - HEADACHE
Funeral Moth - transience release gig - HEADACHEw/不幸(Fucho), Hemipenis, 葛藤(Kattou), and W.T.H.
30th July 2016 / Shinokubo Earthdom, Tokyo / Second To None Bab-Ilu release gig in Tokyo
Second To None Bab-Ilu release gig in Tokyow/ Second To None, Coffins, Journalistz, and Terror Squad.
6th August 2016 / Ebisu Batica, Tokyo / Electric Phantom vol6
In Darkness We Are Doomed vol. 5w/ ele-phant, and 血と雫.
23rd April 2016 / Shimokitazawa Studio BAYD, Tokyo / In Darkness We Are Doomed vol. 5
In Darkness We Are Doomed vol. 5w/ Presence of soul.
23rd January 2016 / Shinmatsudo Firebird, Chiba / Extreme Mad Terror
Swirling Memoriesw/ Aetheria, Anatomia, Graupel, Legion Of Andromeda, Lifeblood, Sithter and Zombie Ritual.
19th December 2015 / Shinookubo Earthdom, Tokyo / Swirling Memories
Swirling Memoriesw/ Arise in Stability, bilo'u, Crepuscular Rays, Dayfalls., Graupel, and Warmachine.
12th December 2015 / Kokubunji Morgana, Tokyo / Slow Paint Murder
Slow Paint Murderw/ XM02( (((AMNESIa-cHANNEL)))+L'eclipse Nue), Ende, Magdalene ju-nen ,scum2.1 and Sithter.
19th November 2015 / Nishi Yokohama El Puente, Kanagawa / Bullshit Propaganda#10
Bullshit Propaganda#10w/ 2 Minuta Dreka, Dark Horse, Deche-Charge, Disrotted, Final Exit, Sedem Minut Strachu, Self Deconstruction and Su19b.
3rd October 2015 / Nakano Heavysick ZERO, Tokyo / In Darkness We Are Doomed vol. 4
In Darkness We Are Doomed vol. 4w/ Funeral Sutra, Lifeblood and Oozepus.
19th July 2015 / Minamihorie SOCORE FACTORY, Osaka / Fareast Death Cult
2nd May 2015 / Nishiogikubo PitBar / Credo taedium solum Extra vol,1
Credo taedium solum Extra vol,1w/ Coffins, Crucem, Lifeblood, Retch.
7th February 2015 / Taipei Revolver / Encephalopuncture of Hallucination Festival Vol.2
Encephalopuncture of Hallucination Festival Vol.2w/ Armed Judas, Bith Finder, Fetus Slicer and Funeral Sutra.
22nd November 2014 / Hatagaya Heavy Sick / Yukiguni #2
Yukiguni #2w/ Albiorix Requiem, Ampulheta, Deathlike Silence, Lifeblood, and Redsheer
15th November 2014 / Nishi Yokohama El Puente / funeral of cold and beautiful death.10
funeral of cold and beautiful death.10w/ Begräbnis, Crucem, Fra Hedensk Tid, Sarugutsuwa and Zombie Ritual
3rd November 2014 / Osaka Hokage / DOOMED WINTER
Extreme Mad Terror Extraw/ AniquilacioN, Avijja, HEMIPENIS, FUCK YOU TOO, Sarry and DJ KOBA.
27th September 2014 / Shimatsudo Firebird / Extreme Mad Terror Extra
Extreme Mad Terror Extraw/ CARAMBA, GUEVNNA, IMMORTAL SENSE, JEERS, NoLA, ZENANDS GOTS, Anatora69 and Tsuka & Maro
20th September 2014 / Shinookubo Earthdom / In Darkness, We are Doomed Vol.3
In Darkness, We are Doomed Vol.3w/ Basilisk, Deadly Spawn and Necrophile.
14th August 2014 / Shinookubo Earthdom / Oppression Freedom Vol.12
Oppression Freedom Vol.12w/ Birushana, Coffins, Monarch and Redsheer.
12th April 2014 / Shizuoka So-gen / funeral of cold and beautiful death.6
 funeral of cold and beautiful death.6w/ Butcher ABC, Exoforce, False Insight, Fra Hedensk Tid and Guevnna.
9th February 2014 / Shinsaibashi Pangea / Worship Japan Tour 2014
Worship Japan Tour 2014w/ Corrupted and Worship
8th February 2014 / Shinjuku Antiknock / Worship Japan Tour 2014
Worship Japan Tour 2014w/ Albiorix Requiem and Worship
7th February 2014 / Sendai Flying Son / Worship Japan Tour 2014
Worship Japan Tour 2014w/ Begrabnis and Worship
5th Movember 2013 / Nishiyokohama El Puente / "Oppression Freedom Vol.11 -Noothgrush Japan Tour 2013-"
w/ Coffins, Noothgrush, and more
23rd September 2013 / Nishiogikubo Flat / "All You Can Eat...Shit!"
w/ Disaster, Ele-Phant, Hater, and Vertas Conc.75.
13rd July 2013 / Koiwa BushBash / "In Battle There Is No Law Vol.7"
w/ Fucho, Guevnna, Inside Charmer, Stone Banquet and Vomit Monster.
11th May 2013 / Waseda Zone-B / Albiorix Requiem / Funeral Moth presents "Ankoku no Mitsugi(Darkened Secret Ritual) - Night of the Doomed Ones vol. 2"
Albiorix Requiem / Funeral Moth presents Ankoku no Mitsugi(Darkened Secret Ritual) - Night of the Doomed Ones vol. 2w/ Albiorix Requiem, Magdala ju-nen and Sithter.
17th November 2012 / Shinookubo Earthdom / Albiorix Requiem / Funeral Moth presents "Ankoku no Mitsugi(Darkened Secret Ritual) - Night of the Doomed Ones vol. 1"
w/ Albiorix Requiem and Anatomia.
10th December 2011 / Sendai Flying Son / Taste presents "DEATH OF BRUTALITY vol.23"
w/ Begrabnis, OiDAKi, Revenant of Subconscious, Scotophobia, and Taste.
22nd October 2011 / Akihabara Revole 2 / Funeral Moth presents "Le moment ou on se perd vol.2"
w/ Grieved and Negativeaidguerrilla Realm.
19th June 2011 / Shinjyuku Antiknock / "Bane Of Isildur - June Blood Japan Tour"
w/ Abigail, Argument Soul, Awaked, Bane Of Isildur, and Outbreak Riot.
29th December 2010 / Koiwa Bush Bash / Bloodbath Records Presents "Koiwa Death Fest.vol.47 Winter 2010 vs. Obscene Ritual"
w/ Code Red, Doraid, Exdeth, Immortal Sense, Intestine Baalism, Maggut, Scotophobia, Wargasmatron, and Xanadoo.
19th July 2010 / Asakusa Kurawood / Obliteration Records Presents "Asakusa Extreme Vol. 17"
w/ Anatomia,Magdala ju-nen, and Mournful Congregation.
18th July 2010 / Imaike Huck Finn / No Remorse Presents "Deep Connect vol.56"
w/ Amber Vial, Blind Witch, Contrast Attitude, and Mournful Congregation.
17th July 2010 / Unagidani Sansui / Corrupted Presents "Mournful Congregation Japan Tour 2010"
w/ Corrupted, Intraum, and Mournful Congregation.
7th November 2009 / Koenji 20000Volt / Sithter & 200% Presents "The Dark Fes"
w/ 200%, King Goblin, River, Sithter, and Trikorona.
18th September 2009 / Shinokubo Suizokukan / Defiled Presents "Bizzare Voice vol.90"
w/ 200%, Anatomia, Bassaium, Deadly Spawn, Defiled, Desecravity, Detritum, Gotsu-Totsu-Kotsu, and Gridlock.
29th August 2009 / Koiwa Bush Bash / Bloodbath Records Presents "Koiwa Death Fest.vol.40 Summer 2009"
w/ Albiorix Requiem, Amber Vial, Anatomia, Coffins, Cohol, Gallhammer, and Spiral.
28th June 2009 / Koiwa eM7 / Bloodbath Records Presents "Koiwa Death Fest.vol.39 Final eM Seven 2009"
w/ Albiorix Requiem, Anatomia, Butcher Abc, Defiled, DxIxE, Gridlock, Mankolover, Odium, Papaconia,Schreckwurmer, and Spacegrinder.
14th June 2009 / Shinokubo Suizokukan / Defiled Presents "Bizzare Voice vol.88"
w/ Defiled, and Detritum.
15th March 2009 / Kouenji Roots / Sithter Presents "Bitch Sifter Overdrive vol.1"
w/ dot., DxIxE, Shithter, and 死人花.
22nd December 2008 / Shinokubo Suizokukan / Defiled Presents "Bizzare Voice vol.84"
w/ Defiled, and Gotsu-Totsu-Kotsu.
25th October 2008/ Ashikaga North BBC / Gesewa Presents "Love Stench Vol.7"
w/ Force Out, Gate, Gesewa, GxSxD, Hangman, Little Bastards, Metal Safari, Sec Dimension, and Zone Defection.
23rd September 2008/ Tennocho Orange County / Veritas Conc 75 Presents "Power Music Box Vol.3"
w/ Defiled, Kola, The Rabies, And Veritas Conc 75.
16th August 2008 / Koiwa eM7 / Bloodbath Records Presents "Koiwa Death Fest.vol.31"
w/ Abort Mastication, Butcher Abc, Cohol, Deadly Spawn, Gate, Gesewa, and Mankolover.
20th July 2008 / Okubo Hot Shot / Defiled Presents "Bizzare Voice vol.78"
w/ Anatomia, Defiled, Detritum, Gesewa, Gotsu-Totsu-Kotsu, King Goblin.
22nd June 2008 / Asakusa Kurawood / Obliteration Records Presents "Asakusa Extreme Vol. 14"
w/ Gallhammer, Ssorc, War Greed, Worship, and Zone Defection.
21st June 2008 / Koenji 20000Volt / Weird Truth Productions Presents "In Darkness, We Are Doomed Vol. 2"
w/ Revolt, Songs from Thousand Downfall, and Worship.
19th April 2008 / Nishiogikubo flat / songs from thousand downfall & Oaqk Presents "Requiem"
w/ Cohol, King Goblin, Oaqk, Songs From Thousand Downfall and Sunvize.
22nd November 2007 / Machida SDR / Funeral Moth presents "Le moment ou on se perd vol.1"
w/ Anatomia, Gate is Dope and Incantation.
5th October 2007 / Akihabara Studio Revole 101 / Obliteration Records presents "Akihabara Death Fest"
w/ Butcher ABC, Dead, Viscous World, Rexamine, and Morquido.
15th September 2007 / Onomichi Chicken / Realm presents "Sheer Mountain Vol.1"
w/ Intraum, Penis Wing, People, and Realm.
8th September 2007 / Machida SDR / Funeral Moth and Gate is Dope Presents "Doom Your Life"
w/ Gate is Dope, King Goblin, Revolt, and Su19B.
14th April 2007 / Koiwa eM7 / Bloodbath Records Presents "Koiwa Death Fest.vol.25"
w/ Apocalyptic Slave, Arms, Enema, Intestine Baalism, Morquido, and Red Ran Amber.
3rd February 2007 / Hatagaya Club Heavy Sick / Gate is Dope presents "永遠に深く続く症状Vol.1"
w/ Death Count, Dread Eye, Gate is Dope, Gevotais Borken, and Sete Star Sept.
9th October 2006 / Asakusa Kurawood / Obliteration Records Presents "Asakusa Extreme Vol. 6"
w/ Asunder, Butcher Abc, Coffins, Corrupted, Gallhammer, and su19b.
26th August 2006 / Okubo Hot Shot / Defiled Presents "Bizzare Voice vol.63"
w/ Abort Mastication, Defiled, Gotsu-Totsu-Kotsu, Infected Malignity, and RestIn Gore.
3rd May 2006 / kawasaki Bottom's Up / Weird Truth Prod. Presents "In Darkness, We Are Doomed Vol. 1"
w/ Gallhammer, Intestine Baalism, Intraum, Morquido, Reexamine, and StarGazer.

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