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Reencarnacion (Col) - 30 viajes al Leteo - digi-CD

Reencarnacion (Col) - 30 viajes al Leteo - digi-CDColombian black/thrash who has been active since mid 80's. This CD contains self-titled 1st full-album released in 1988, "Acompáñame a la tumba" EP released in 1988, and previously.....

Price : $14(USD)  |   Quantity :   |  
Reexamine (Jpn) - Laughin' Dolls In Purple Sunshine - CD

$bandname - $item_title - $item?_formatExtremely bizarre death metal from Japan! Basically, they are playing mid-tempo based heavy brutal death with guttural vocals. But riffs are really strange! Imagine the mixture of early Atricity, Dish.....

Price : $12(USD)  |   Quantity :   |  
Reflection (Grc) - The Fire Still Burns - CD

Reflection (Grc) - The Fire Still Burns - CD1st album of Greek heavy metal band. orthodox heavy metal with 8-beat based druming and root-5th metal riffs and a little epic feeling.

Price : $6(USD)  |   Quantity :   |  
Regarde Les Hommes Tomber (Fra) - s/t - digi-CD

Regarde Les Hommes Tomber (Fra) - s/t - digi-CD1st album of French modern black/doom. Their music is something like a mixture of hard-hitting doom, melodic black and post-XX.

Price : $14(USD)  |   Quantity :   |  
Regicide (Chn) / Operating Table (Chn) / Demisor (Sin) - Split Your Face - CD

Regicide (Chn) / Operating Table (Chn) / Demisor (Sin) - Split Your Face - CD

Price : $12(USD)  |   Quantity :   |  
Reido (Blr) - -11 - CD

Reido (Blr) - -11 - CD2nd album of Belarusian doom. Aggressive heavy doom with opressive heavy riffs!

Price : $12(USD)  |   Quantity :   |  
Reiketsu (Bra) - Cinza - CD

Reiketsu (Bra) - Cinza - CD

Price : $12(USD)  |   Quantity :   |  
Relentless (USA) - Souls of Charon - CD

Relentless (USA) - Souls of Charon - CD

Price : $12(USD)  |   Quantity :   |  
Relentless (USA) - Night Terrors - CD

Relentless (USA) - Night Terrors - CD2nd album of Chicago heavy metal. They are playing mid paced pure heavy metal with female vocal.

Price : $12(USD)  |   Quantity :   |  
Relicts (Trk) - 12 On The Richter Scale - CD

Relicts (Trk) - 12 On The Richter Scale - CD3rd full-length album of Avantgarde death metal from Turkmenistan. Weird melodies and mixture of guttural voice and mordern high screaming vocal. Strange and unique sound in total chaos!

Price : $12(USD)  |   Quantity :   |  
Rellik (USA) - Deceive The Deceiving - MCD

Rellik (USA) - Deceive The Deceiving - MCDOld school thrash metal coming from NJ to break your neck! Tight druming altering from high speed 2 beat druming to heavy doubble b ass middle, pounding catchy riffs and memorable solos, and Kreator-s.....

Price : $8(USD)  |   Quantity :   |  
Rellik (USA) - Heritage Of Abomination - CD

Rellik (USA) - Heritage Of Abomination - CD1st album of Chicago's death metal. They are playing melodic but also brutal old school death metal with solid riffing.

Price : $8(USD)  |   Quantity :   |  
Remains (Mex) - ...of Death - CD

Remains (Mex) - ...of Death - CD

Price : $10(USD)  |   Quantity :   |  
Remains (Mex) - Evoking Darkness - CD

Remains (Mex) - Evoking Darkness - CD2nd full length album of Mexican old school death metal. Dark and aggressive old school death metal under the influences from Grave.

Price : $12(USD)  |   Quantity :   |  
Remains (Mex) - Angels Burned - CD

Remains (Mex) - Angels Burned - CD1st album of Mexican old school death metal released in 2014. Including Edge of Sanity cover.

Price : $14(USD)  |   Quantity :   |  
Remembrance (Fra) - Frail Visions - CD

Remembrance (Fra) - Frail Visions - CDDebut album of French atmospheric doom/gothic duo. Extrremely slow sad riffs decorated by clean guitars, and atmospheric keybord sound. They mix depressive doom atmospher and catchy atmospheric melodi.....

Price : $12(USD)  |   Quantity :   |  
Remembrance (Fra) - Silencing The Moments - CD

Remembrance (Fra) - Silencing The Moments - CD2nd full-length album of French doom duo. They are playing depressive dark doom/gothic with the mixture of beautiful synth melodies and heavy guitar riffs, female voices and male growling vocals.

Price : $12(USD)  |   Quantity :   |  
Remmirath (Slv) - Shambhala Vril Saucers - digi-CD

Remmirath (Slv) - Shambhala Vril Saucers - digi-CD2nd album of Slovakian avant-garde rock/black metal. There are some metal elements, but it's very a few so perhaps "ethnic progressive rock" or something like that is much more proper word t.....

Price : $14(USD)  |   Quantity :   |  
Repent (Ger) - Vortex of Violence - CD

Repent (Ger) - Vortex of Violence - CD3rd full length album of German thrash metal released in 2012.

Price : $14(USD)  |   Quantity :   |  
Reptil (Mex) - Recuperando las memorias perdidas - CD

Reptil (Mex) - Recuperando las memorias perdidas - CDMexican speed metal band who had been active since 1981 to 1990. This CD contains 2 demos they released in 1986 and 1987. Their music is pure speed/heavy metal under the influences from NWOBHM.

Price : $14(USD)  |   Quantity :   |  
Reptilian Death (Ind) - The Dawn of Consummation and Emergence - CD

Reptilian Death (Ind) - The Dawn of Consummation and Emergence - CD2nd album of India death metal band. Modern sounding death metal with high musicianship.

Price : $12(USD)  |   Quantity :   |  
Repvblika (Mex) - Katastrof! - CD with DVD case

$bandname - $item_title - $item?_format1st MCD of Mexican technical black metal band. Unstoppable blasts and complex rythm patterms. Hyper intense technical riffs and blasphemous screaming. There are no rest from the beginning to the end, .....

Price : $12(USD)  |   Quantity :   |  
Resilient (Chl) - The Art of Resilience - CD

Resilient (Chl) - The Art of Resilience - CD1st EP of Chilean old school death metal released in 2021. They are playing straightforward OSDM under the influences from early Death!!!

Price : $11(USD)  |   Quantity :   |  
Rest (Ita) - s/t - digi-CD

Rest (Ita) - s/t - digi-CDdebut EP of Italian blackened hardcore. They are playing crusty blackened hardcore with buzssaw guitar sound.

Price : $11(USD)  |   Quantity :   |  
Restless Oblivion (Rus) - Sands of Time - CD

Restless Oblivion (Rus) - Sands of Time - CD1st album of Russian doom. Majestic doom with mixture of heavy guitar riffs atmospheric synth sounds. Vocal is deep low growling one and toral atmospher isn't so emotional but I think they try to keep.....

Price : $12(USD)  |   Quantity :   |  
Resuscitator (USA) - A Warrior's Death - CD

Resuscitator (USA) - A Warrior's Death - CDCalifolnian veteran death metal. This is their 5th album released in 2005. They are playing Satanic thrashy old shcool death metal.

Price : $5(USD)  |   Quantity :   |  
Retaliation (Swe) - Exhuming the Past - 14 Years of Nothing - CD

Retaliation (Swe) - Exhuming the Past - 14 Years of Nothing - CD

Price : $12(USD)  |   Quantity :   |  
Revelation (Blr) - Consciousness - CD

$bandname - $item_title - $item?_format4th album of Belarus melodic gothic metal. So- called east European style symphonic gothic metal mixing deep growl and clean vocal.

Price : $12(USD)  |   Quantity :   |  
Revelation (Blr) - Осознание - CD

Revelation (Blr) - Осознание - CDfourth full-length album by Revelation, a duo from Belarus. The CD has become a result of 5 years long work of musicians. It consists of 7 new songs and two bonus tracks: «Торжество безумства.....

Price : $12(USD)  |   Quantity :   |  
Revelations Of Rain (Rus) - Revelations Of Rain - CD

Revelations Of Rain (Rus) - Revelations Of Rain - CD2nd full-length album of Russian doom band. They are playing majestic doom mixing death metalic middle tempo heavy riffs, strong growling vocal, and melancholic melodies, eerie atmosphere.

Price : $12(USD)  |   Quantity :   |  

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