- Abigail (Jpn) / Sign of Evil (Ita) - Reaper's Night - CD

Price : $14(USD) |
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- Acherontas (Grc) / Crimson Moon (US) / Akrabu / Shibalba - Ana Harrani Sa Alaktasa La Tarat - digi-CD
4 way split CD featuring 2 black metal and 2 ambient.
Price : $14(USD) |
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- Agathocles (Bel) / Satanic Malfunctions (UK) - split - CD
Belgium's mincecore kings vs UK's fast HC/punk veterans to team up for a split record!!!
AGATHOCLES: 9 brand new studio songs recorded at Caffeine Studios in Sao Paolo, Brazil in October 2013 o.....
Price : $12(USD) |
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- Amputator (USA) / Satanic Forcefucked Annihilation (USA) - Satanic Forcefucked Annihilation - CD

Price : $12(USD) |
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- Apparition (Kor) / Aek Gwi (Kor) / Fenrisulf (Jpn) / Juno Bloodlust (Jpn) / Svar Fra Hedensk (Jpn) - Oriental Abyss - CD
5-way black metal split featuring South Korean and Japanese bands. First band Apparition from SK is old school black metal under the influences from Under The Sign... era Bathory. 2nd band is SK's one.....
Price : $14(USD) |
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- Atka (Ger) / Shimetsu (Ger) - Split - digi-CD
German short cut technical grind/death split! First band Akta is intense technical grind/death with hard core style insane vocals. Next band is Shimetsu, playing also technical death/grind with a lot .....
Price : $10(USD) |
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- Aura Hiemis (Chl) / Ego Depths (Ukr) / Sculptor (Rus) - Synthese Collectif - The Dark Whormholes - digi-CD
3 way doom split. First band is Chilean Aura Hiems who delivers almost 27 minutes epic of mixture of slow heaviness and occasional bursting out blasts. 2nd band is Ukraine one man doom Ego Depths who .....
Price : $14(USD) |
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- Average Misanthropy (Jpn) / Sweet Lovely Death (Jpn) - Réel, symbolique, imaginaire - pro CDR
Split CD by 2 Japanese one man bands. 1st band is Average Misanthropy who have been actively releasing tons of stuffs after 2019 debut. AM's music is primitive and raw mid-paced black metal with hypno.....
Price : $12(USD) |
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- Avsked (Ger) / Schlaflos (Ger) - Split - digi-CD
German black metal split. First band Avsked is middle tempo based black metal with minimalistic tremolo riffs, continuous doble bass druming, and hysteric high screams. Soudn production is very rough .....
Price : $14(USD) |
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- Black Lakes (Rus) / Sumrak (Rus) - Obscurus - CD
Russian Black metal split. Black Lake plays sorrowful atmospheric black metal. Sumrak is one man band playing blackend doom with sorrowful melodies.
Price : $12(USD) |
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- Bosque (Prt) / Senthil (USA) - Under the Capricorn Sky / Premeditation - CD
Doom split. First band Bosque plays dark and atmospheric doom mixing eerie single tone guitar melodies, deeply echoed suffering screams, atmospheric chant. the sound production is very raw but it help.....
Price : $12(USD) |
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- Crucifier (USA) / Throneum (Pol) / Sathanas (USA) / Bestial Mockery (Swe) - Deep Grave Dungeons - CD
4 way split CD by these 4 raw metal hordes! Each bands deliver 4 raw and filthy rehearsal tracks. It's very raw sound but moch more powerful than studio recorded version!
Price : $14(USD) |
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- Crypticus (USA/Swe) / Scaremaker (USA) - Split - CD
Death metal split. Cryptics is Swedish/US project band by Ribspreader member and Tombstones member. Old school death metal mixing Swedish/US sounds. Scaremaker is dark and evil death/black band by Bil.....
Price : $12(USD) |
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- Dark Dominion (Aus) / Secratain (Aus) - Bound In Blasphemy - CD
Australian black metal split. The first band DD plays tight black metal mxing grim tremolo melodies/fast 2 beat and mellow middle tempo riffs. The next is Secratain. They are playing filthy raw black .....
Price : $12(USD) |
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- Death After Birth (Phl) / Surrogate Prey (Phl) - split - digi-sleeve CD
stoner sludge doom split from 2 Philippines bands.
Price : $12(USD) |
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- Dispersive Light / Summons Of Shining Ruins - split - CD

Price : $12(USD) |
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- Disrotted (USA) / Su19b (Jpn) - split - CD
US extreme sludge VS Japanese sludge/grind. Disrotted deliver only 1 song but it lasts over 29 minutes! Extremely heavy sludge doom hell!!! Su19B is something like hybrid of sludge/doom and grind feat.....
Price : $14(USD) |
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- Dog (Hun) / Drunken Bastards (Hun) / Funebre (Hun) / Ravendark's Monarchal Canticle (Bra) / Sacrificial Dagger (Fin) - Fantomania II - CD

Price : $12(USD) |
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- Evo/Algy / Taake (Nor) / Sigh (Jpn) / The Meads of Asphodel (UK) / Thus Defiled (UK) - Swine of Hades - CD

Price : $10(USD) |
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- Gonguri (Kor) / Sithter (Jpn) - split - CD
Korea and Japan doom split ! Korean Gonguri plays extremely heavy gore-tinted doom/death. Perhaps, they are influenced by Coffins a lot but there are also some gore grind/death atmosphere. Japan's Sit.....
Price : $10(USD) |
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- Grivf (Den) / Sol (Den) - Iss / The Great Plague Imperium - digi-CD

Price : $12(USD) |
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- Immortality (Jpn) / Swarrrm (Jpn) - Split - CD
Japanese death core VS insane grind! Immortality plays ultra heavy death core with mid-tempo hard core riffs and strong deep low growls. Swarrrm plays insane grind with intense blast, crazy screaming .....
Price : $12(USD) |
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- Imperial Devastation / Deformity BR / Sasngrena/Purgatory - Split - CD
4 way split CD including 4 Brazilian old school death metal bands. All bands deliver us intense and raw Brazilian style death metal!!
Price : $12(USD) |
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- Impurity (Bra) / Sabbat (Jpn) - Rage and Horrors - CD
Split album by Black metal veterans from Brazil and Japan! No description is needed for both of them!
Price : $14(USD) |
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- Infer (Slv) / Sepsis (Cze) - Chronicles Of Bloodshed - CD
Death metal split. Slovakian Infer plays brutal blasting blackened death metal in the vein of Behemoth.Czech's Sepsis plays dark and heavy death metal that should be so.
Price : $12(USD) |
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- Judaswiege (Esp) / Moribundo (Esp) / Sonambula (Esp) / Barbarian Swords (Esp) - Tetriarchia Ex Bestia - digi-CD
4 way split CD featuring Spanish extreme metal bands. first band Judaswiege plays raw and barbaric black metal with subtle thrash metal influences. For fans of Bestial Mockery. 2nd band Moribundo play.....
Price : $14(USD) |
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- Lake Of Depression (Pan) / Crepuscularia (Rus) / Source Of Deep Shadows (Rus) / Quarsar (Rus) - Split - CD
4-way doom split. 1st band is Panama's Lake of Depression who plays dark slow doom with cheap production, drum machine. Next band is Russian Crepuscularia, they are playing dark and heavy doom. They m.....
Price : $12(USD) |
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- Liholse (Rus) / Mor (Rus) / Stielas Strhett (Rus) - Death Comes from the North - digi-CD
split album featuring 3 Russian bands. Liholse is dark and freezing ambient/industrial. Mor is middle tempo based epic black metal with cool melodies and well-constructed song structures. SS is chilly.....
Price : $6(USD) |
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- Lucera (Col) / Sabbat (Jpn) - Japanguanos Chocha's Attack - CD
Split CD by Colombian and Japanese black/thrash bands. Colombian Lucera deliver re-recorded versions of old songs. As for Sabbat, they deliver some tracks from previously released albums and live trac.....
Price : $14(USD) |
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- Moonkult (Fin) / Solus (Hun) - Transmissions - CD
black metal
Price : $12(USD) |
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