- Terhen (Fin) - Eyes Unfolded - CD
1st album of Finish gothic doom band. They are playing MDB style majestic gothic doom with heavy distorted guitars, solemn keybord, deep low growl, occasional female clean vocals.
Price : $12(USD) |
Quantity : |
- Terminate (USA) - Ascending to Red Heavens - CD

Price : $12(USD) |
Quantity : |
- Terra Deep (USA) - Part of this world, part of another - CD
3rd album of US progressive black metal. Basically, it's black metal but it's not typical one. There are a lot of other elements like acoustic tranquil parts, prog. metal like part, epic metal riffs/m.....
Price : $12(USD) |
Quantity : |
- Terrahsphere (USA) - Third in Order of the Sun - CD
1st full length album of US thrash metal originally released in 1991 from legendary New Renaissance Records. This is reissued version including demo tracks as bonus. Their style is very unique technic.....
Price : $14(USD) |
Quantity : |
- Terror Cosmico (Mex) - Devorador de suenos - CD
2nd album of Mexican instrumental experimental metal duo. Their music is a mixture of stoner, thrash, etc...
Price : $12(USD) |
Quantity : |
- Terror of The Trees (USA) - Devil Worship - MCD
One man old school black metal by the member of Hemlock. They are playing Bathory/Venom style catchy black metal.
Price : $8(USD) |
Quantity : |
- Terrordome (Pol) - Straight Outta Smogtown - CD
3rd full length album of Polish crossover thrash. There's no compromise, this is pure thrash metal with full of speed and intensity!!!! Razor-sharp riffs make your head bang!!!!!
Price : $14(USD) |
Quantity : |
- Terrorismo (Mex) / Buffer (Mex) / In crisis (Mex) - Split - CD
3 way split by Mexican bands. Terrorismo plays grind/hardcore hybrid, Buffer plays metal/punk and In crisis plays hardcore.
Price : $12(USD) |
Quantity : |
- Thaclthi (Ita) - …Erat Ante Oculos - CD
…and then to bones and dust again, resurrecting the sulphureous past of doom/death mammoths like Disembowelment and (early) Unholy, with a weird experimental and ritualistic revision born from the wou.....
Price : $12(USD) |
Quantity : |
- Thalarion (Svk) - Towards the Obscure Slumberland - digi-CD
1st full length album of Slovakian gothic doom/death originally released in 1996. This is 2022 reissue.
Price : $14(USD) |
Quantity : |
- Thanathron (Pol) - s/t - CD

Price : $12(USD) |
Quantity : |
- Thanatopsis (USA) - A View of Death - CD

Price : $12(USD) |
Quantity : |
- Thanatoschizo (Por) - Schizo Level - digi-CD

Price : $12(USD) |
Quantity : |
- The 3rd and the Mortal (Nor) - Memoirs - CD
4th album of Norwegian gothic rock band. In earlier stuffs, they played more metalic stuffs, but here's almost no metal elements. It's dark rock/pops mixing industrial sounds, jazzy feelings, etc...
Price : $12(USD) |
Quantity : |
- The Absolute of Malignity (Jpn) - s/t - CD
1st album of Japanese black metal. This is re-issued version including 2 bonus tracks. Eerie black metal with cold machine beat, extremely distorted blasphemous vocals and noisy guitar sounds.
Price : $14(USD) |
Quantity : |
- The Accused (USA) - The Curse of Martha Splatterhead - CD

Price : $12(USD) |
Quantity : |
- The Advent Equation (Mex) - Live at Psicofonia Studio - digi-CD
Mexican progressive metal. This album contains 1 hour of their live performance in studio. their music is melodic progressive metal in the vein of Dream Theater.
Price : $14(USD) |
Quantity : |
- The Ancients Rebirth (Swe) - Evoke the Curse of the Ancients - CD
The live album of Swedish black/death originally released in 1994 on cassette format. This is 2016 CD reissue.
Price : $14(USD) |
Quantity : |
- The Antiprism (USA) - S/T - CD
1st full-length album of US metal band. They are playing something like mixture of orthodox heavy metal, Celtic Frost, and balck/death.
Price : $12(USD) |
Quantity : |
- The Bishop of Hexen (Isr) - The Death Masquerade - digi-CD
3rd full length album of Israel symphonic black metal band released 14 years after they released the previous album in 2006. Glittering symphonic black metal with synth sound and occasional female cle.....
Price : $14(USD) |
Quantity : |
- The Black Cold (Mex) - Et Svlphvr Natvs Mortem - CD
1st album of Brazilian black metal released in 2018. Slow dismal riffs combined with evil chant, which reminds me of they are under some blasphemous ritual in darkness. Occasionally, they burst out wi.....
Price : $14(USD) |
Quantity : |
- The Carnival / Enormity - Split - CD

Price : $8(USD) |
Quantity : |
- The Cold Beyond (USA) - Deadspeak Vol. I: Tales of Fire - CD

Price : $12(USD) |
Quantity : |
- The Cold View (Ger) - Wires of Woe, Ways of Waste - digi-CD
2nd album of German one man doom/ambient. As good as his first release, it's something like mixture of drone, ambient, industrial music and doom. limited to 200 copies
Price : $14(USD) |
Quantity : |
- The Cold View (Ger) - Weeping Winter - digi-CD
1st album of German one man doom project. His music is extremely slow and simple minimalistic doom with extremely slow rhythm, low frequency drone guitar, eerie synth sounds and deep growling vocals.
Price : $14(USD) |
Quantity : |
- The Dead Goats (Pol) / Icon Of Evil (Pol) - split - CD
Polish death metal split. The Dead Goats plays old school death metal under the influences from 90's Swedish death metal like Nihilist, Dismember. Their vocal style is much more hard core style, so it.....
Price : $10(USD) |
Quantity : |
- The Dead (Aus) - Ritual Executions - CD
2nd album of Australian death metal band. They are mixing middle tempo based heavy death metal riffs and intense fast black metal riffs. There are also a little "core" feelings in their song.....
Price : $12(USD) |
Quantity : |
- The Dead (Aus) - Nocturnal Funeral - CDEP

Price : $7(USD) |
Quantity : |
- The Dead (Aus) - Deathsteps to Oblivion - CD
3rd album of Australian doom/death. Extremely heavy doom/death. Fuckin' heavy as hell!!!!
Price : $12(USD) |
Quantity : |
- The Eternal (Aus) - The Sombre Light Of Isolation - CD
1st album of Australian gothic metal featuring ex-member of Crypotal Darkness, paramaecium, and so on. Middle tempo based heavy riffs and solemn keyboard. Dark gothic metal mixing mellow melodies and .....
Price : $12(USD) |
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